My “Wahoo Moment” today was coming home to see my new door almost installed. I don’t have a close-up of the outside “before” shot, but here’s an up close of the inside “before”:
And now here’s the outside after:
My red doormat:
The inside after:
Now… my “Oh Crap” moment… well, see, here’s the thing… this weekend’s plan is to primer coat the living room. All ready to go, I just need to move stuff away from and off of the walls.
Since I was thinking to paint the wall that got painted silver (yes, silver, sigh) but in order to do that, I need to either sand down, fill and paint over the cedar wall, or pull off the cedar and see what was underneath.
Remember this?
I gamely started to pull off the cedar strips. LOTS of great kindling available now! First couple of strips, up and down, and the wall underneath started to appear – painted yellow, but stained in spots, by the oil in the cedar. A little further and…
Ah Crap.
There’s a hole.
Not just a little one.
Here’s the “current state” after shot:
I think I may be learning how to hang, tape and mud drywall soon!
With love across the waters,