Monday, May 7, 2012

W O W – What a Difference!

I think in this case I will let the pictures speak for themselves…



Now... in about 20 minutes, my new screen door will be here... and I can get the nre screen door on!

With love across the waters,

Sunday, May 6, 2012

I’m Sore… But in the Last 24 Hours I Have…

I have good reason to be sore tonight.  In the last 24 hours I have:

Removed ugly cedar strip that had been painted silver:

Gone for a very long walk with friends and dogs (no pictures here)

Removed drywall:

Cleaned up after removal of said drywall:

 Created new piles of stuff to go to the dump:

Moved furniture and painted:

Moved furniture back into place:

Rolled up a carpet and moved it into another room (sorry, no picture of that.)

And tomorrow, I’m going to be digging up dandelions, mowing the lawn and getting OUTSIDE things done.

With love across the waters,