Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I Think I Have a Problem

I have self-diagnosed.  I have A.D.P.D. Yes, it is a disease, and sadly, there is no actual treatment. 

I have Attention Deficit Project Disorder.

This week I thought that finishing my bathroom up would be my project.  Building shelves, filling and then staining the trim.  Generally, just getting that particular project completed.

No.  I can’t even say it isn’t my fault.  I started out my week off with the best of intentions – I have the wood in place, and in fact, it will be cut for me by Friday.  I just allowed myself to get side-tracked by another project.  My kitchen storage / pantry / wall of canning.

What was going to be a simple shelf insert in between the studs of an existing wall became something else.  I cannot go into the wall because what is behind it is ship lap. I would have to remove the ship-lap and I just don’t want to go there.  The next plan became build a pantry into the existing mud room.  That will require filling in a door-way (which is do-able in a weekend, I think) and then stripping the room, insulating it and building in shelves and having (eventually) a window installed.

And there is still the Problem of The Wall.

What happened?  Well, I have decided to at least get that wall dealt with during my week off. And since I will have to primer and paint the wall anyhow, I figured I may as well patch, primer and paint the other three complicated walls in the kitchen. I’ll have to leave the simple wall until another weekend (it won’t stop me from the rest of this particular part of my project line because it happens to be the wall with the fridge, stove and other assorted stuff up against it – and my kitchen is just not able to be all dealt with in one go while I am in the house and doing it all by myself. OK, truthfully, *I* am just not able to deal with it all in one go.

So that wall will maybe be patched, primer coated, and actually painted next weekend.

Anyhow, back to the current tasks at hand.

I went to Slegg Lumber this morning to pick up Poly (for patching) primer (a gallon for the whole kitchen – hopefully that will be enough for my initial requirements) Varathane for the cedar (more on that later) and paint for the feature wall.

I am trying something that is going to be WAY outside of my comfort zone. Red.  Not just red, but Candy Apple Red.  Deep, luscious, juicy red.  The accents will be Clear coated cedar and then a creamy linen-white colour for the rest of the kitchen.  If I like the feature wall (meaning, if I don’t completely freak out over my choice and end up painting the whole damn kitchen builder’s white) when I get to painting the cupboards and doors, I’m thinking that just to have some fun with it, I may paint the odd cupboard door INSIDE with red too – “surprise.”

I’m still very worried about this – but honestly, it really *is* just paint – and paint can be painted over, right?

Anyhow, when I got home, I got the kitchen cleaned-up and squared away. I have noted a couple of problems. I HATE the counter top and back splash, but can’t deal with that this time around.  I did pull off one section of back splash.  The rest of it has to come off in conjunction with the sink actually being removed as they put in this horrid metal corner bead thing that actually runs UNDER the sink at the back.  I’ll have to file that one in my “what were they thinking file for later.

I have gone through and patched the wall and am now just waiting for the patching to completely dry – the tub of Poly says 4 hours if there is a big patch – and there are a couple of big patches. Once the poly is dry, I’ll go over the whole thing for a quick sand and then once wiped off, I’ll throw on the primer coat.  That will be the sum-total of tonight’s portion of the work.  Tomorrow comes the red.

Did I mention just how far out of my comfort zone this really will be…?

With love across the waters…

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