Sunday, June 16, 2013

Roses and Peonies

They are up near the top of my list of favourite flowers.  I would also put Stargazer Lilies on this list – and Lavender…  But I don’t have Lavender or Stargazer Lilies planted anywhere in my yard (yet!)
When I first took possession of my home I was thrilled to see there were some roses in both the front and back yards – they yards were way too overgrown for me to see if there was much else and last spring I was happy to see peonies coming up as well.  At that point there were two peony bushes at the front and about 5 in the back yard (some right in the MIDDLE of the back yard) and as I was whacking away at various plants in the back yard I came across a couple of other roses that showed some potential.  I dug out the back yard peonies and replanted them as well as a couple of roses into the front yard.  I wasn’t especially gentle with them and since not one of them was actually scented I wouldn’t have been especially heart-broken if they decided to die off.
They all flourished.  The dark pink peony did the best in the transplanting.  The surprise for me has been the rose bush that was cut down to the ground when the old maple stump was cut out.  That particular rose came back this year, has lovely pink blossoms on it and turned out to be an old fashioned rose. 
One of the peonies that started out front didn’t do much of anything last year – no blossoms at all – and I figured it was badly located (not enough water?) and it surprised me this summer as well – it has a tea-rose scent to it!
Eventually most of the unscented peonies and roses at the front of my house will be replaced scented ones, but for now I have some beautiful blossoms to enjoy!

Rose and Dwarf Russian Maple

Surprise Rose!

Happy Peony

More of the Happy Peonies
With love across the waters,

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