Thursday, May 26, 2011

An Explosion in the Garden!

Spring never ceases to amaze me.  Mother Earth, waking from her winter sleep seems, sometimes, to move only a little tiny bit at a time – and then all of the sudden she just explodes.  Flowers bloom – starting slowly with snowdrops and crocuses then leaping into daffodils and finally into the gorgeous heady scents of hyacinths and lilacs. Grass goes from not needing to be cut at all, to needing to be cut a couple of times a week.

One thing I always appreciated, while living in Ontario, was how quickly the process seemed to happen. It seemed that over the space of a short week or two all of spring was crammed into the world.  Riding on the Go Train, I recall looking out the windows along the lake shore and seeing the trees go from the pale yellow-green fuzz that heralds the beginning, to being covered (seemingly within days) with full, lush and green leaves. Then the heat would start.

Last year I wasn’t especially focused on spring.  This year, with the advent of a back yard that I have worked diligently to improve with plants, arrangement and Feng Shui principles in mind, I am very focused on what has been happening.

The potted shrubs I installed in late April have burst forth with loads of new growth – pale green and sharply scented & having that very soft feel of newness to it.  The flower baskets have filled out gloriously (and, I admit, I need to do some dead-heading in them) and on Monday when I returned from the cabin, I was THRILLED to see just how much the peonies have grown.  They went from this:

To this:

In five short (but very sunny) days!

So the million dollar question: Are all of the changes, including all of the Feng Shui modifications, making any difference to my life yet? The answer is yes, I think so.  This past week I have had two different people offer to set me up with someone they know.  This is a positive step for me. I am starting to see movement in the work sector – and though nothing has happened for me just yet, I am feeling a LOT more positive about it that I have in QUITE some time.

(From the Abraham-Hicks Daily Quotes) “First there is thought, then there is thought form, and then there is matter. Matter is only thought that has been thought upon by more.”

So I ask you: What will you choose to think about today?

With love across the waters,

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