Friday, August 6, 2010

Feng Shui Update #2

OK... it's taken me a while to get myself to update number 2 (sorry) - things have been busy here, and so although I have been making small changes here and there, I've not yet completed ALL of the changes... I still have a list of 19 items to complete.

Some things will take me quite some time to complete - but since I don't actually have a deadline set for this, I'm feeling pretty good about making progress when I can. My home office is still a total disaster (I hope that doesn't interfere with my chances for full time work!) but most of the other rooms are done - with the exception of little things here and there.

Tonight I accomplished a couple of VERY cool tasks though - on my way home from work I stopped at Home Depot and picked up a plant for beside my front door AND an easy-to-assemble-when-drinking-cider shelving unit (with doors) to sit in my downstairs space and house my recycling centre. Honestly - it looks WAY nicer this way AND with that particular clutter finally "out of sight" it *feels* better in that space.

Did I mention that my office is still a total disaster? Maybe that will come next on my list of spaces to finally tackle...

Something interesting that I have noticed already is that, as I have been cleaning out spaces, new stuff IS making its way into my world. Last weekend I was up at Mum & Dad's place and also at my Grandpa's house for a visit - during which time I was given some wonderful things of my Grannie's - her Esoteric documents, some of her jewellery (I wrote about that in my last update) and some utterly divine scarves. I love scarves and although I don't wear them nearly often enough, I think the world needs more of them.

Then, the night before last a new (and already very good) friend of mine came over with a bag of work clothing that she has de-cluttered from her world - all of which is in very good shape. A couple of items I have worn to work already AND received compliments on! How cool is that?

I guess this really does prove that Mother Nature abhors a vacuum - and when you let go of something she ALWAYS seeks to fill the space you open with something new and wonderful.

Something to ponder indeed.

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